Total Body Enhancement Before or After Workout: Maximizing Benefits with Red Light Therapy

Total Body Enhancement Before or After Workout: Maximizing Benefits with Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy has become a popular treatment among both young and adult people. Whether you are looking to improve your overall skin health or remove chronic pain from joints, book a Red Light Therapy session. LED red light has the ability to do wonders on your skin tissue and cells.

This non-invasive treatment also becomes a life savior for athletes in the fitness world. Gym trainers use LED red light therapy to enhance muscle recovery, increase tissue repair, and reduce chronic pain. LED light therapy proves to be a great help in the fitness world. But it also raises questions about when to use a LED light therapy session, before or after a workout, for better results.

Understanding Red Light Therapy

How Red Light Therapy Works?

LED Red light therapy uses low-level red light at a certain range of wavelengths. When you expose your body to this red light, it penetrates through your skin. Our cells have a core part called mitochondria. The light directly targets it and increases the production of ATP.

The increased energy production further helps in repairing muscles, regenerating tissues, and reducing inflammation in the body.

Physiological Responses to Red Light Therapy

1. Increased Collagen Production: Infrared light therapy increases the production of collagen within the cells. The increased collagen growth then assists in repairing muscle microtears. Micro Tears are cuts in the muscles that are created due to intense workouts. Muscle repair automatically leads to faster recovery.

2. Improved Cellular Energy: Infrared light therapy also enhances the ATP production in the cell. This boosts athletes' endurance and helps them to stay in the game for more time.

3. Reduced Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory ability of the infrared red light eliminates joint pain and soreness in the muscles. This helps fitness trainers to quickly recover from injuries and allows them to have an injury-free workout experience.

Advantages of Pre-Workout Red Light Therapy

Increased Energy and Performance

Fitness trainers need endurance and energy as much as they can to bear intense workouts. Therefore, if you undergo a Red Light Therapy session before a workout. It will increase the energy within your body cells, which will help you stay active and healthy during hard workout sessions.

Improved Muscle Activation

Having a Red Light Therapy before a workout improves the activation in the muscles. The increased energy and decreased muscle soreness allow athletes to contract their muscles easily without stiffness. If you are going to have an intense workout session, then muscle activation is crucial for you. So, get help from infrared red light and increase your muscle strength.

Enhanced Warm-Up

With the Red Light Therapy session, you automatically get a warm-up session, too. Red light therapy devices increase the flow of blood, which reduces the risk of injuries. If you use RLT and light aerobic exercises together, you can get better muscles.

Advantages of Post-Workout Red Light Therapy

Faster Recovery

After an intense workout, the one thing your body needs is fast recovery. Red Light Therapy recovers your muscles and injuries faster. It treats cracks in the muscles and reduces inflammation. The faster recovery process allows trainees or athletes to get back to their workouts on time without missing any sessions.

Reduced Muscle Soreness

RLT effectively eliminates muscle soreness, or you can say DOMS. It increases the blood flow, reduces inflammation, and increases the cellular repair in the muscles, which leads to a reduction in muscle soreness. If you are experiencing pain and muscle soreness after a workout, then have a red light therapy machine session, and you will be good to go.

Support for Muscle Growth

Whether you want to gain weight or lose weight, Red Light Therapy helps you gain lean, healthy muscles. If you undergo an RLT session after a workout, it will stimulate the growth of protein, which helps in repairing, recovering, and growing healthy muscles.

Choosing the Right Timing for Your Goals

Performance vs. Recovery

You need to decide when to undergo a Red Light Therapy session. Your fitness goals and health needs will help you to choose the right time wisely.

Pre-Workout for Enhanced Performance

If your main aim is to enhance your muscle functions and energy in the workout, then it's best to have a red light therapy device session before a workout. When you take a Red Light Therapy session, your energy levels automatically increase. You can also feel better functionality in your muscles. And it will also act as a warm-up session for you, protecting you from unwanted injuries.

Post-Workout for Faster Recovery

People who want to increase muscle recovery after a workout must use Red Light Therapy post-workout.

Red Light Therapy sessions after workouts treat the muscle's soreness, speed up the recovery process, and promote muscle growth in the body.

Personal Experience and Adaptation

The effectiveness of professional LED light therapy machine varies from person to person based on your body. Because everyone has a different body system that responds differently on various levels. Therefore, you need some practical tips to implement in your daily workout routines and RLT sessions for better results.

1. Start With A Trial Period: Give your body some trials of Red Light Therapy sessions. For instance, use RLT pre-workout for a few weeks and then post-workout for a few weeks. After that, check your body's response.

2. Listen To Your Body: Your body will react as it feels. Whether you feel better or down, you know what your body wants. So, see how you're whether or not you feel more energetic after getting a full spectrum led light therapy machine session before a workout. Also, note the results of how you feel when you take an RLT session after the workouts.

3. Adjust Based On Workout Intensity: This means choosing the RLT session as per your workout. If you are going to have a workout that requires more endurance, then get red infrared light therapy pre-workout. On the other hand, if you have done intense workout training, then RLT post-workout would be beneficial for faster recovery.

Consult A Professional: Well, achieving your goals is a good thing. However, you still need advice from a professional. They can help you set realistic goals and achieve them in a healthy way.

Implementing Red Light Therapy in Your Routine

Practical Tips for Incorporating Red Light Therapy

1. Consistency is Key: Red Light Therapy surely offers incredible health benefits, but it takes some time to show visible results. Therefore, you need to take RLT sessions regularly for better results.

2. Combine with Warm-Ups or Cool-Downs: Doing warm-ups with red infrared sessions only helps you increase the benefits of both.

3. Stay Hydrated: You need a lot of water pre- and post-workout. So make sure you have enough water. It will complement the red light therapy benefits.

4. Use A Quality Device: Make sure that the device you use must be of high quality and compatible with your health goals. Because each device is designed to offer certain health benefits.

5. Follow Safety Guidelines: Also, if you are getting an RLT session by yourself, it's better to follow all the manufacturer's guidelines for safe use.

Suggested Duration and Frequency

1. Pre-Workout Sessions: if you are using a red light therapy at home session pre-workout, then use it for only 5-10 minutes. It gives you enough energy to survive the game.

2. Post-Workout Sessions: If you are using RLT post-workout for faster recovery, then use it for 10-20 minutes.

3. Frequency: The current research data shows that a person must undergo at least 3-5 sessions for both pre-and pro workouts but consistently.

Enhancing your fitness routine with red light therapy can improve workout outcomes, whether applied before or after exercise. Using red light therapy before a workout can help to warm up your muscles, increase blood flow, and improve flexibility. This can lead to enhanced performance and a reduced risk of injury. Alternatively, using it after a workout can aid in muscle recovery, reduce soreness, and minimize inflammation, allowing for quicker recovery between sessions.

The Bontanny Moving Pro Series Red Therapy Light Device is an excellent option for those looking to maximize the benefits of red light therapy. This device is designed for convenience and effectiveness, delivering professional-grade wavelengths that can easily fit into your pre- or post-workout routine. By incorporating the Bontanny Moving Pro Series into your fitness regimen, you can elevate your workout experience and enhance recovery, making it an invaluable addition to your routine.


Red light therapy has now shown its magic in the fitness world, too. It helps fitness trainers, health enthusiasts, and even athletes a chance to increase their endurance before working out without any effort. Moreover, RLT also helps them to get faster recovery after an intense workout or big competitive game.

However, you must set a goal for whether you need an professional LED light therapy machine session before or after the workout. This helps you accomplish your goals effectively. Also, make sure to undergo constant Red Light Therapy sessions if you want to see positive results.

Are you looking for moving red light therapy devices? Consider buying Bontanny Moving Pro Series Red Light Therapy Device with Stand. The product is designed for versatility and ease. Use it daily with consistency and see healthy weight loss results in a short time.